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请问reach across the aisle 表达的是什么意思? [复制链接]


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  • TA的每日心情
    2011-11-9 20:19:17
  • 签到天数: 6 天


    发表于 2010-6-10 15:27:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
    CNN里的一句话:<br />Schwarzenegger also praised McCain for being willing to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats。 这个句子是说S 也很赞扬M 愿意和D一起合作共事吗? <br />reach across the aisle 是什么意思?
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    Rank: 2


    发表于 2010-6-10 15:38:32 |只看该作者
    <br /><br />reach across the aisle 就是在议会或政府工作的不同党派或持不同政见的人互相妥协,达成共识,以完成政府的工作或制定某项法律。<br />Reaching “across the aisle” is a phrase much bandied about, especially in American politics. The aisle in this case represents the ideological divide between politicians of different parties, especially those who serve in state legislatures or in the federal Senate or House. When a politician reaches across the aisle, he or she is making compromises with those of the opposing party in order to write legislation, or cooperate on passing legislation.<br /><br />In US politics, although there are some smaller political parties, the predominant parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. Unless one party has an extreme majority in a legislative body, it may be difficult to get much accomplished without cooperation between the parties. While cooperation usually isn’t expected in areas where there are huge ideological divides, there are plenty of things that Democrats and Republicans can agree upon.<br /><br />Also, one factor in American politics is that many people, though they may belong to a political party, are moderate or centrist in their political views. They may be much more appreciative when politicians can reach across the aisle and cooperate to get legislation passed that most people support regardless of party. Sometimes in big elections, politicians will boast about their ability to be centrist and the number of times they have reached across the aisle in the past. Depending upon the motivation of the electorate this may be viewed as good or bad, but again many people do favor a bipartisan approach to political matters.<br /><br />Sometimes a politician’s interest in reaching across the aisle can be viewed not as cooperative but instead traitorous. It really depends upon the issues involved when a politician chooses to act in this matter and the political climate at the time. Other times bipartisanship is viewed more favorably, and a whole party or whole legislative body can make a concerted effort to work in a cooperative manner, although there will usually be far right and far left holdouts.<br />There are other ways in which the phrase “across the aisle” can be applied. It can mean cooperating with those who share different opinions in a variety of settings. This does not always work, since compromising has a tendency to mean you’ll have to give something up in order gain something.

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    发表于 2010-6-10 15:41:09 |只看该作者
    我还以为是克服阻挠的意思,原来是与反对党派达成妥协呀, 学习了

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