雅薇 发表于 2010-6-10 15:23:33


&nbsp; &nbsp; The name of the gallant four who thus acted instead of shilly-shallying with a Committee are well known.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 此话的背景是四个人集资买了块地,事后证明他们的眼光很好。<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 我的翻译是:这四个目光远大的人,因不像一般委员会那样优柔寡断,故其声名远播。<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 疑问是:with又不像是与……比较的意思,该怎么理解呢?还是:四人已经声名远播,尽管他们在此后委员会工作中有些优柔寡断。

beiwei91 发表于 2010-6-10 15:25:16

The name of the gallant four who thus acted instead of shilly-shallying with a Committee are well known.<br />我的理解大意是:这四人果断地采取了行动(买了这块地),而不是组成个委员会,优柔寡断地讨论来讨论去。。。<br />committee 是self-constituted organization,指的是他们组成个委员会专门讨论要不要买地。。

乖乖 发表于 2010-6-10 15:40:51

<blockquote>The name of the gallant four who thus acted instead of shilly-shallying with a Committee are well kn ...<br />mxrruler 发表于 2010-1-28 22:06 <a href="http://club.topsage.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=4068468&amp;ptid=502811" target="_blank"><img src="http://club.topsage.com/images/common/back.gif" alt="" /></a></blockquote><br /><br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 没错,此处with就有组成,构成之意,但句中他们并没有这么做,所以我的理解是:<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 这四位大哥没有像个委员会那样讨论来讨论去,而是当机立断(买下这块地),现在他们可出名了
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